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Not I, but Christ in me

Writer's picture: Dr. E. Daniel PonceDr. E. Daniel Ponce

Updated: Mar 17, 2019

A surrendered life, is one that I have taken since childhood ... I greet you in the name that is above all name, Christ Jesus the Son of God. I open my letter with these three words; "A surrendered life". A surrendered life is not so easy, but taken by the hand of the Lord and always trusting in Him, this surrendered life can be lived as the apostle wrote, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me" (Philippians 4:13), " Greater is he who is in me than he who is in the world "(1 John 4: 4).

I want to take this time to thank God first, because he has given me the grace to fulfill another year of life. I go back in time, and I remember what the doctors had thought and said negatively about my health; However, God already had a plan and purpose for the life of E. Daniel Ponce. I am writing these words to you so that you know that if God did it for me, He can do it for you too. And I know that many who read this letter today also have a testimony. God has done wonders in your life!

A few words from the book of Psalms chapter 34: 4, 7, 15, 19;

(4) I sought Jehovah, and he heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. (7) The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and defends them. (15) The eyes of Jehovah are on the righteous, and their ears are attentive to their cry. (19) Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but of them all Jehovah will set him free.

These are some words that I have lived through in my life over the years. But there is a special word for me, you've heard me talk so much about it. This word gave me victory, I dried the tears of my eyes, I encouraged my heart again and I had an encounter with the revelation of this powerful Christ Jesus, and the wonderful presence of the Holy Spirit. The miracle of all this is that when things come to life that we did not expect, be it pain, despair, worry or anything else, Jehovah always has the way out for us...

"Do not fear, because I am with you; do not be discouraged, because I am your God who will make you effort; I will always help you, I will always support you with the right hand of my justice." Isaiah 41:10

I am very happy that your ministry, United with Christ, is moving forward... always forward, with the vision of winning 20,000,000 souls for Christ Jesus. We can do it, we are doing it and we have to do it. Remember the words in Proverbs 11:30 "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; And he who wins souls is wise".

I remember my youth in a church in San Diego, California; on Saturdays we went out in groups of people, and we went to the houses knocking on the doors, going through the parks inviting people to Sunday and mid-week services. We spoke to them of the greatness and beauty of Jesus Christ, and the revelation that comes to the life of the one who receives it. And there on the street, people received Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. "When a soul is saved, all heaven rejoices." In the services of the church and in the crusades, the call was made: "If you are in sin and without Christ Jesus as your Savior, come to the altar today and receive Him as your personal Savior." People ran to the altars to receive Jesus Christ. We are seeing this again today, because without a doubt, the signs are warning that the coming of Jesus Christ is approaching. Nobody knows the time or the day, you just have to be ready with the expectation that today you can make that glorious day.

"He that is taught in the word, let him be a partaker of all good things to him who teaches him." Galatians 6: 6

In this month we have a great financial need, and I am in faith that my God is greater! I was thinking about canceling a few days to take some time and rest, but I changed my mind and declared: "No, God is going to provide, and everything will come out ahead in great victory!". Through the years and even still to this day, i've taken very little time to rest, but little by little I have begun to take some more time off. I am confident that my Covenant Partners will march "the march of victory". I have the faith that God will give us 3,000 believers full of faith, full of love and trust in God, who will walk with us every month in supporting this ministry, I have so much faith, that it is going to be done, and that it is already being done. By faith, i'll declare it even now: THANK YOU, AND GLORY TO GOD!

A life given to God is a life that says in good times and in bad times: Jesus is Lord! More than ever, we are united in faith, in prayer (which every week takes place in the churches of United with Christ.) Thus also the Lord commanded those who proclaim the gospel, that they should live by the gospel. "1 Corinthians 9:14

Today, I thank God for each person who has been a great blessing in my life Personally, I do not take these things lightly, because when one does good to another, it comes from the heart.

I am always praying for you, may God bless you, keep you healthy, full of joy, and may your faith in the word be operating in your life. We are entering a very special time where the Spirit of God will minister to you in such a precious way. Have the expectation every day that at any time the angel of Jehovah who is around you, will shake your waters, your waters of victory... waters of healing. If you could do it before, you can do it again. Get ready, because there will be times in the next 40 days that you will feel the presence of God so strong, and angels will be around you.

Remember, when the enemy wants to fight you in any area of ​​your life, respond with the word of God, speak the promises of God, and hold fast that God is with you and that the victory will not be yours, but IS ALREADY YOURS.

I love you very much, remember it, and you are always in my prayers. May this month be a month of joy, where new things are dawning in your life. God be with you. Keep your faith with expectation, because you do not know if today may be the day your victory manifests itself.

"Knowing that the good that each one does, he will receive from the Lord, whether he is a servant or free."

The servant of God

Br. E. Daniel Ponce, + Bishop, Apostle

Isaiah 41:10


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