God called Dr. E. Daniel Ponce at the age of 6 yrs old. He started to preach his first messages at that age.
He was raised by his godly grandmother and hard working father. He attended private Christian schools.
Knowing within himself he was called by God he started to have dreams and visions about Tent Revivals, Television and radio as he saw a world with millions of souls in need of a Savior.
He answered God’s call and continues in that call today.
Dr. E. Daniel Ponce is the presiding Bishop and Founder of the United with Christ Ministries Inc. in the USA and the Ministerios Unidos Con Cristo in Mexico.
He is a host of his own daily Television program “Creer Hoy” (Spanish), “Believe Today” (English) , reaching over 120 Nations of the world preaching an uncompromising gospel of Salvation, healing, Miracles in a prophetic anointing impacting the lives of many in all levels of life.
God has gifted Dr. Ponce with an ability to move in the operations of the Holy spirit revealing primarily through the word of knowledge and wisdom many matters such as sicknesses and diseases, life events and situations only known to those being minister too. Many have been blessed an impacted by the strong Ministry of the Gifts of the Spirit in the Life of Dr. Ponce and in his own words “Unto God, the Father of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be all the Glory and Honor” .
Today Dr. E. Daniel Ponce leads thousands in the way of The Lord and is a lifetime student of God’s Word and a Man of deep Prayer.
He was ordained into the Ministry on August 14. 1976 by Bishop F.P. Matthews. Bishop and Overseer of the Cosmopolitan Churches.
Dr. Ponce is a Teacher of Theology with a Bachelor degree in Theology and a Doctorate in Divinity conferred on him on March 28. 1989 from Corner Stone University in Lake Charles La.
A man loved by his peers and people, he is a notable sought after speaker in Conferences and Conventions, he also holds his own national and international crusades. He is known as “someone who cares” and his pursuit in life is to pioneer fertile ground with the knowledge of God’s Word and Power.
His purpose is to share the Love and amazing Grace of Jesus with all, and to bridge the generation of young and old uniting the strength of the young with the wisdom of the old producing than an uncompromising mighty Army of God declaring and producing the proof of God’s Kingdom all over the earth.

Years of Ministry